Contact Opta or Visit the Office in Woodbridge
Opta Paralegal Professional Corporation is conveniently located in Woodbridge on the corner of Highway 7 and Kipling Avenue. There is plenty of available parking and the building is wheelchair accessible. To accommodate your busy schedule, the office is open on Saturdays. Please call to tell the office about the services you need and book an appointment.
Contact Us
Opta Paralegal Professional Corporation
5317 Highway 7, Unit 1
Woodbridge, ON
L4L 1T4
Phone: 905-856-8410
24-Hour Line: 416-346-4250
Toronto: 416-410-OPTA (6782)
Fax: 905-856-7552
Email: optalegal@hotmail.ca
Methods of Payment
For Queries
In case you have any legal queries or would like to learn more about our services, you may email or fill out the e-form below. Your questions will be answered promptly.
This website and its information are not legal advice, nor are they intended to be. Please consult a legal services provider (paralegal) for advice about your individual situation. Please contact Opta by electronic mail, telephone or in person. Contacting Opta through this website does not create a paralegal-client relationship. Until a paralegal-client relationship is established, please withhold from sending any confidential information. If you are charged with an offence, you should contact a paralegal immediately to discuss your options.